Our open mornings for Admissions in September 2025 are now available. Call or email the office to book your visit.

Vision and Values

Our Vision

Our vision at Shorne Church of England Primary School is: ​

“Growing Together in Learning and in Faith” ​

To develop life-long learners that have a clear understanding of the world in which we live through the acquisition of skills and knowledge; developing their unique God-given talents which will enable them to contribute, collaborate and flourish in a global society. ​

“…grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord…” ​                              Peter 3:18

Our School Values

With our vision at the core of what we do, our Christian Values underpin our teaching and learning and create an environment to allow our vision to become a reality.

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We have the courage to try something new, persevere when faced with challenges and have the confidence to do what is right, even though it may not be easy.

Daniel and the Lion’s Den (Daniel 6 1:28) 


We are courageous advocates for our community, regardless of faiths and beliefs and we know that whilst we are unique, we are all as one.

One body with many members (Corinthians 12:14-27)


We are aware of the diversity and different cultures within our school and community and understand how these differences enrich our lives and strengthen our connections to one another.

The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) ​

Growth Mindset

Aim: To encourage children to become confident and resilient learners.

At Shorne Church of England Primary School, we know that pupils who have a positive attitude towards their learning will make good progress and be successful. Consequently, instilling all our pupils with such a mindset is key.

This means we want all our pupils to relish challenges, embrace their mistakes as part of the learning process, value the importance of effort, respond carefully to feedback and take inspiration from others. This will help them to achieve, not only with us but also in their future lives beyond Shorne.

Learn, explore and grow together. This is what we embed in all our pupils here at Shorne. We know that to fulfil the potential of our pupils and encourage them to become confident and resilient learners we, as a team of parents and staff, need to be modelling this mindset. The way in which we encourage children to learn and explore is vital to their success, not only at school but at home as well.

Our British Values

Aletheia Academies Trust actively promotes British Values in all its schools with the aim of establishing a strong community; a community where all pupils are encouraged to demonstrate respect and tolerance through an inclusive nature, regardless of faith, race and culture.

As part of the Trust, Shorne Church of England Primary School is committed to such Fundamental British Values. These are:

  • Democracy: Everybody is aware of their own rights and responsibilities in a culture built upon freedom and equality.
  • Rule of Law: The need for rules makes sure everyone is in a happy, safe, and secure learning environment.
  • Individual Liberty: We protect our individual rights and the rights of others.
  • Mutual Respect: We understand that we don’t all have the same beliefs and values.
  • Tolerance of those in our society of different faiths and beliefs: We respect the values, ideas, and beliefs of others whilst not imposing our own on to them.
British values at shorne primary school

Equality Objectives

Aletheia Academies Trust’s overarching Equality Objectives are:

  • To use performance data to monitor student achievement and respond to variations between groups of learners, subjects, courses and key stages, trends over time and comparisons with other schools.
  • To provide professional development which continues to support staff to promote equality and diversity routinely in their daily activity.
  • To provide an environment that welcomes protects and respects diverse people.
  • To ensure that all students are given the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the life of the school.
  • Foster ownership amongst our students for the development of a set of positive behaviours which reflect the very best in all cultures, but reaffirm the understanding of and compliance with the rule of British law and British Values.
  • To address cultural events through year worship activities to increase student awareness and understanding of issues in different communities.